HESLB Provide 5 Days for Loan Application 2020/2021
The Higher Education Student Loans Board (HESLB) informs the recently completed National Construction Army (JKT) students that the online loan application system will be open for five (05) days from tomorrow, Friday, October 1, 2020 to enable them to apply for a loan.
This decision is based on the applications of students, parents and guardians of needy students who could not apply or complete their applications due to various reasons including joining training in various JKT camps in accordance with the law.
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In the academic year 2020/2021, the Government has allocated TZS 464 Billion which will benefit a total of 145,000 students. Of these, 54,000 students will be first-year students and another 91,000 are beneficiaries who are continuing their studies. In 2019/2020 a total of TZS 450 billion was allocated and benefited a total of 132,119 students.
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