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Tuesday 27 October 2020

10 New Jobs Vacancies at International School of Tanganyika (IST) - Various Posts


IST Mission
Challenging, inspiring and supporting all our students to fulfil their potential and improve the world

IST Vision
IST will be a global leader in the education of internationally-mobile young people.

All students, regardless of their starting point, will think critically, achieve academically and develop the wisdom to make good choices. They will show curiosity and creativity in addressing authentic problems, local and global.
They will pursue their varied passions with enthusiasm, developing resilience, perseverance, and confidence. Understanding the diversity of people and cultures, they will act kindly, fairly, and responsibly.
All members of the IST community will work together to fulfil this vision.

Statement of Values
All members of the IST community are:
(a) Responsible – We act responsibly, positively and constructively towards ourselves and other people. We learn from our mistakes and accept the consequences of our actions.
(b) Inquiring – We show curiosity, perseverance and open-mindedness in seeking to understand and solve problems. We persevere in the face of difficulties and we embrace the learning that comes
through failure as well as the joy of success.
(c) Compassionate – We empathise with others and act with care, kindness and courage. In our interactions, we behave with patience, generosity and integrity.
(d) Balanced – We believe in a broad education for our students, seeing the value of participation in a varied curriculum.
(e) Diverse – We treasure the diversity within the IST community, using the rich opportunities for deeper understanding that come from our differences.

IST Strategic Plan
Our Strategic Plan is in place to help our community align efforts to better reach our school’s mission, vision and values. This plan is focused on three aims.


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