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Friday, 26 June 2020

Uthibitisho TAMISEMI, NACTE 2020/21 Academic Year for Colleges Selection


The National Council for Vocational Education (NACTE)

Uthibitisho TAMISEMI used for Students who selected to join various colleges in Tanzania so as they can change courses and Colleges they want to join with. 

Uthibitisho TAMISEMI 2020 | College Verification System TAMISEMI. Students scheduled at Vocational Education Colleges those available under NACTE are required to:
  1. Verify agreeing to join courses administered by National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) a day later seven (7) days from the date of the announcement of the results election until August 15, 2020.
  2. The student will make a confirmation through the link the so-called UTHIBITISHO TAMISEMI 2020 on the Council website National Institute of Vocational Education (NACTE) which is www.nacte.go.tz to accept nominations for the course and colleges assigned to them.
  3. A student who will not prove accepting an opportunity will be given to other students who continue to apply to colleges so by the way network.
  4. Students who need to make a course or college changes when selected, they are allowed to do so from the start 01 August to 30 August 2020 via NACTE website www.nacte.go.tz.

  5. The colleges that are scheduled for students, will get a list of selected from NACTE through the System (through Institution Pannel) after the validation period and the shift is completed.
  6. Instructions on how to enroll students to report Colleges to start courses will be provided by the National Council of Technical Education (NACTE).
  7. Graduated students at MOSHI Cooperative University and Mbeya University of Science and Technology they will not be involved with NACTE’s changing procedure, thus they should contact the respective colleges.

UTHIBITISHO TAMISEMI 2020 For Colleges Selection

NOTE: Must think twice before do your changes

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