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Monday, 13 May 2019

How To Apply Loan HESLB 2019/2020 | JINSI YA KUOMBA MKOPO HELSB 2019/2020 Apply Online


All loan applications will be done through Online Loan Application and Management System (OLAMS). This can be accessed by the following link. http://www.heslb.go.tz/index.php/shop-login?view=registrationOLAMS

  • You have to register by entering your personal information by clicking the "Click here to Apply" option in the website. Applicants are REMINDED to use the same form four index numbers used while applying for admissions.

Upon completion of online application process, you are required to print out the application forms and Loan Agreements, obtain appropriate authentications, sign the forms, attach necessary documents and submit the same through EMS to:

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