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Monday, 18 May 2020

New Opportunities at Plan International Tanzania - Request for Bids | Deadline: 27th May, 2020


Plan International

Plan International Supply of Small Solar Radio RFP No. PIT/CO/40/FY20 May, 2020
Request for Bids

Supply of Small Solar Radio RFP No. PIT/CO/40/FY20
Plan International is an independent child rights and humanitarian organization committed to children living a life free of poverty, violence and injustice. We actively unite children, communities and other people who share our mission to make positive lasting changes in children’s and young people’s lives. We support children to gain the skills, knowledge and confidence they need to claim their rights to a fulfilling life, today and in the future.We place a specific focus on girls and women, who are most often left behind. We have been building powerful partnerships for children for more than 75 years, and are now active in more than 70 countries.

Plan International Tanzania is therefore issuing this request for bids from suppliers with good qualification, experience and track records to supply solar radio.

Interested eligible bidders must confirm their intention to bid indicating all relevant contact information including an email address to tenders@plan-international.org Attn: Head of Procurement and Logistics. Bidding documents in the English language will be sent to interested bidders by email. Plan Tanzania will not be held responsible for any costs related to printing of the bid documents.

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Bidders must submit the Price Quotation proposals Electronically to: electronic.bids@plan-international.org before 5PM Wednesday 27th May 2020, marked the respective RFP number. Late bids will be rejected, not evaluated.

Country Director
Plan International Tanzania
PO Box 3517
Dar es Salaam.

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