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Saturday, 25 April 2020

New Opportunities at UNESCO Tanzania - Call for Proposals | Deadline: 06th May 2020



Call for Proposals
To Conduct End of Project Evaluation
Ref Number : 501URT5000//20/02
Deadline: 06th May 2020

UNESCO under the support of Switzerland Development Cooperation (SDC) has been implementing the project, Empowering Local Radios with ICTs for the Promotion of Rural Citizens’ Participation in Democratic Discourse. The project beneficiaries include 25 local radios in Tanzania Mainland and the Zanzibar Archipelago, as well as the Community Media Network (Tanzania Development and Information Organization -TADIO). The support aims atensuring that people in Tanzania, especially the poor, women and girls, have the capacity to make informed decisions on issues that affect their daily lives through access to relevant, culturally appropriate, gender responsive, and accurate information and knowledge.

Evaluation of UNESCO’s projects and programmes is one of the key aspects of the organization as articulated in its medium term strategy (37 C/4) for 2014 – 2021 that “UNESCO evaluation plays a critical role in enabling the organization to meet its mandate by providing credible and evidence-based information that feeds into various decision-making process”.

UNESCO is therefore, inviting companies and individuals to submit Technical and Financial proposals to conduct end of projectevaluation to assess extent to which the project’s expected results have been achieved. Interested applicants (companies or individuals) may obtain a full TOR upon request.


Proposals may be posted to UNESCO Tanzania Office at the below address or emailed to: lw.madete@unesco.org on or before 06th May 2020 at 16:00 pm EAT.
Head of Office and Representative,
UNESCO Dar es Salaam Office,
59 Mtwara Crescent, Oyster Bay
P.O. Box 31473, Dar es Salaam,
United Republic of Tanzania.

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