Essay Writing Competitions, Essay Writing Competition 2019, FSDT, Biashara Financing Innovation Fund (BFIF), Financial Sector Deepening (T), Funding Opportunities in Tanzania, Call for proposals, Innovation Funds 2019, Innovations Fund Opportunities in Tanzania, Funds Opportunities for Africans, Opportunities for Tanzanians
Working at the Financial Sector Deepening (T) means an opportunity to learn about new trends and developments that affect access to finance, and to engage directly with the financial institutions government policymakers and regulators, and other actors – including low-income clients themselves – who are concerned about building inclusive financial systems.
FSDT is committed to its strategy to proactively gather and share evidence of the needs of individuals, women, youth, smallholder farmers and businesses and to catalyze stakeholders to develop market innovation by implementing appropriate and responsive policies, regulations and solutions. Such evidence has highlighted key challenges in access and usage which limit efforts to deepen the financial sector.
Our aim is to bring together financial service providers to support the expansion of both access and usage by understanding and identifying opportunities within the “relevance gap” that arises from inappropriate product design and marketing. We strive to gather and share robust market intelligence and to work with government and regulatory bodies to galvanize evidence-based innovation in national, regional and local financial inclusion policies to create supportive legal and regulatory environments.
To this end, FSDT is conducting an essay competition centered on the theme of the advancement of technology and its impact on financial inclusion.
Through this competition, the voices from a cross-section of society including FinTechs, financial service providers, civil society, and beneficiaries, come to the fore, paving a way for increased knowledge on financial inclusion and use of technology to advance financial and economic inclusion to different markets