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It is a 10-year Program, implemented in two phases of five years, each. The Government is implementing this nationwide safety net Program with a view to reducing poverty and improving the lives of the poor. The objective of TASAF III is “to enable poor households to increase incomes and opportunities while improving consumption”. TASAF III targets people living under the basic needs poverty line (currently 33.6% of the population).
Hazards of Asbestos in the Workplace (GI) - Only $20! There is no safe level for exposure to asbestos.
The Program consists of the following parts:
Part 1 on Consolidation of Integrated Social Safety Net Interventions for extremely poor and Food Insecure Households and
Part 2: on Institutional Strengthening. The development objective is to create a comprehensive, efficient well targeted Productive Social Safety Net Systems for the poor and vulnerable Section of the Tanzania population.
TASAF is now looking for competent and committed candidates who meet the minimum qualification stated below to fill the under-mentioned vacant positions below
New Employment Opportunities at TASAF March 2019
The United Republic of Tanzania
The United Republic of Tanzania
President’s Office
The United Republic of Tanzania is implementing the Productive Social Safety Net Program (PSSN) in the Third Phase of the Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF III). The Program is jointly financed by the World Bank, the Department for International Development (DFID), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and other development partners.
It is a 10-year Program, implemented in two phases of five years, each. The Government is implementing this nationwide safety net Program with a view to reducing poverty and improving the lives of the poor. The objective of TASAF III is “to enable poor households to increase incomes and opportunities while improving consumption”. TASAF III targets people living under the basic needs poverty line (currently 33.6% of the population).
Hazards of Asbestos in the Workplace (GI) - Only $20! There is no safe level for exposure to asbestos.
The Program consists of the following parts:
Part 1 on Consolidation of Integrated Social Safety Net Interventions for extremely poor and Food Insecure Households and
Part 2: on Institutional Strengthening. The development objective is to create a comprehensive, efficient well targeted Productive Social Safety Net Systems for the poor and vulnerable Section of the Tanzania population.
TASAF is now looking for competent and committed candidates who meet the minimum qualification stated below to fill the under-mentioned vacant positions below