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Saturday 15 August 2020

New Opportunities SIMIYU and ZANZIBAR at HelpAge International - Tanzania, 2020


HelpAge International

Terms of Reference

Job Summary
Main objective of the assignment is to produce a 20-minute documentary depicting increase in accountability, voice of older people, improved age friendly health and care services and sustainable universal income among older people in Tanzania. 

Job Description
Project: Making Governance Work for Older Women and Men in Tanzania.
Goal: Document stories depicting how older women and men championed accountability
Action By: External Consultant
Location(s) of the activity: Simiyu and Zanzibar
Implementation Dates: August, 2020
By 2050, there will be over 2 billion people aged 60 and over compared to 928 million today, with the majority living in low and middle-income countries. The fastest growth is taking place in developing countries such as Tanzania. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the ‘leave no one behind’ commitment has given older people new visibility in the post 2015 process. However, the scale, pace and impact of demographic ageing requires us to think beyond older people as a homogenous, minority or vulnerable group. Unless the heterogeneity of older populations is understood, it is not possible to develop successful policies or plans effectively.

Despite significant achievements made as a result of: interventions supported through AcT 1 (2011-2015), the relative political stability Tanzania enjoys, and the steady economic growth the country recorded over the years, deepening socioeconomic inequalities persist. This impacts the quality of life for older people in the country, mainly characterised by: poor access to essential public services such as healthcare, lack ofincome, isolation, and exclusion from national development plans, policies and strategies. Stereotyping, discrimination, and systemic exclusion of older people are common while age and gender-based violence, discrimination and abuse are rampant. CEDAW recognizes that “discrimination experienced by older women is often multidimensional, compounded by gender, ethnic origin, disability, poverty levels, sexual orientation and gender identity, migrant status, marital and family status, literacy and other grounds”. Tanzania is a highly gender unequal country, ranking 125th in the 2014 Gender Inequality Index. Gender inequality is widespread and is seen across all sectors from the household level to the job market and most obviously in the limited representation of women in political positions despite the 50/50 commitment made at the SDGs.

Consequently, the majority of the over 2.5 million people aged 60 and over, older women in particular, who this intervention will target, are disproportionately marginalised often invisible, voiceless, and lack protection from violence and abuse. They are denied the choices and participation, and their contribution to society is generally undermined. This is more pronounced in the three successive Global Age Watch Index reports that ranked Tanzania among the low performing countries in the overall wellbeing of older citizens. In the 2015 Global Age Watch Index, Tanzania ranked 91 out of 96 countries in access to incomes, ensuring health and security.

The AcT Phase 2 (AcT 2) interventions were proposed to ensure greater inclusion, dignity, access to quality health and care and secure lives through regular and sustainable universal income, and increased protection from wanton killings due to witchcraft accusations. This is consistent with the commitments made by the 5th Government as per its election manifestos and the various national policies and strategies and global and regional conventions and treaties to which it is a signatory. 

Objective of the assignment
Main objective of the assignment is to produce a 20-minute documentary depicting increase in accountability, voice of older people, improved age friendly health and care services and sustainable universal income among older people in Tanzania. 

Scope of work
Documentation of the materials seek to:-
  • Provide learnings and insights on governance initiatives that enabled older people and those they support to enjoy quality health and care and social protection services.
  • Exploring the strategies and best practices that were used to lobby for greater protection and inclusion of older women and men in key decision making process.
  • Explore the roles and contributions of different stakeholders including older people structures in making older people voice heard, have the income that they need and access age friendly. health and care services. The documentary will also highlight the contributions of older people’s structures in holding their leaders accountable.
  • To explore challenges and stakeholders recommendations that may be used for further advocacy and improve future programming.

Specific tasks are: Develop a narrative concept, and scenario for the video documentary
  • Create a shot list inclusive of direct stakeholders, DFID / KPMG officers, key government officials (MoHCDGEC, PO-RALG), and HelpAge staff part of which will need to be included in the documentary
  • Visit the project sites and interact with older people and other stakeholders
  • Develop a script for the documentary for HelpAge approval before carrying out the footage.

  • Present 20 minutes, precise, captivating, and informative draft documentary to HelpAge for review
  • Present the complete series of 5 minutes documentary versions on the impact of the project on a) Accountability and Voice of older people b) Age friendly health and care services and Universal health coverage c) Social protection measures d) Rights
  • The complete (20 minutes version documentaries should include: a short promotional version (60 seconds) and a 4.5 minute longer version in high definition (HD). The 60 seconds documentary shall be an edited version of the same footage to spark viewer’s interest to watch the longer version. Submit a 1 soft copy and 1 hard copy of the not less than 15 pages programme booklet.
  • Submit series of still photographs (soft copies) captured during the assignment depicting impact of the project
Duration of the Assignment
The assignment is expected to take 15 days from the date of signing the contract. 

Experience by Consultancy Firm/Group/Individual
  • A minimum of 3 years of proven experience in film/Documentary production;
  • Have extensive experience in producing news, documentary films, TV programmes and short format films (proof of experience is a MUST).
  • Able to produce high quality broadcast video on tight deadlines on a variety of different issues and subject matter;
  • Able to operate or dispatch a team that can produce and film on location without any other supervision.

Technical requirements
  • Broadcast quality full HD video , 1920 x1080p
  • Professional sound recording at minimum of 96 kHz/24-bit
  • HD web files and HD DVD as final products
Targets Groups to be included
HelpAge Staff, older women and men and Local government authorities.
Team Composition for the Activity
HelpAge staff, implementing partners and other key stakeholders in the localities.

How to apply
Interested eligible bidders may submit quotes to the below address on or before 4:00pm of Friday 21st August, 2020. All offers should be properly filled in, sealed in envelopes marked “RFQ-ACT DOCUMENTARY CONSULTANCY” MUST be delivered to the below address:
The Country Director
HelpAge International, Tanzania
134 Migombani Street, Regent Estate, Mikocheni
P.O. Box 9846, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Tel: +255(0) 22 2700169/2774796
Mob: +255 766 706 392.

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