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Thursday 13 August 2020

New Job Vacancy at Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA) - International Consultant | Deadline: 24th August, 2020


Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA)

Position: International Consultant
Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA)
Job Description

Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA) is an apex member-based private sector organization that advocates for the growth and competitiveness of the horticulture industry in Tanzania. TAHA is thriving to develop and promote Tanzania horticulture through improving business enabling environment, enhancing the productivity of the horticultural sector and stimulating market access for Tanzania horticultural products (fresh and processed)

Tanzania is one of the leading producers of fruits, vegetables, and spices, with an annual average of about 6 million tons in the past five (5) years. Nearly 90% of production is consumed locally, with only 3% going to overseas markets and 7% to regional Partners especially Kenya and Rwanda.  Tanzania has a total of about 7.1 million hectares of high and medium potential land (2.3 and 4.8 million ha respectively) suitable for irrigation, supported by rivers, lakes, wetlands and aquifers. With other added advantages such as attractive business enabling environment, an appropriate logistics system and a range of appropriate topographical and climatically conditions, Tanzania has unparalleled potential to become a dominant force in the international market arena.

To realize productivity and market growth opportunities, Tanzania is looking to establish a string of consistent market partnerships with reliable buyers especially in Europe and the Middle East.
It is under this backdrop that TAHA is seeking an international consultant to conduct a study to assess market opportunities for selected fresh and processed horticultural products in Europe and the Middle East, with a view of analyzing the selected value chains and the dynamics in Tanzania and advise on effective ways TAHA and the country at large can engage can effectively to access these markets.

1.1  Objective
The services of an international consultant are required in order to carry out an international demand analysis for the selected horticultural products for the benefits of Tanzanian horticultural sector and the entire economy.
1.2  Target products

Fresh Spices and herbs
Fresh Fruits
Chillies, cinnamon, basil, mint, thyme, bay leaves, coriander
Passion, lime, pineapples and mangoes
Juices/paste of pineapple, mango and passion fruit, dried and powdered herbs, spices, processed Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato (OFSP), ready to eat fruits and vegetables

2.3 Description of Duties/Responsibilities
Under the overall guidance of the TAHA Chief Development Manager and supervision of the Research Officer, the consultant will carry out an international demand analysis for the mentioned processed products.

Target markets to be analyzed:

  • Europe (main focus)
  • Middle East
  • Any other country of relevance to Tanzania horticultural products supply

i) Provide a skeleton structure for the report
Prepare a the proposed skeleton structure of the report with main sub-chapters.
ii) Undertake target markets and segment demand and opportunity study

  • Describe targeted products (product type, application etc.)
  • Conduct analyses of the selected market for the target products, market size and market share, market segments, import sources, technical requirements (mandatory, voluntary and buyers’ requirements, certification) by end use, product type and demand forecasts. Data should be expressed in volume and value in different market destinations, ideally over the last five years.
  • Assess market potential in each selected market, including market structure and international competitors present in target markets and respective competitive environment.
  • Establish production and supply capacities of international competitors
  • Analyse and establish logistics needs and related issues including costs structure of the leading international competitors.
  • Synthesize findings and ensure that the analysis for each selected market is completed and provides a clear picture of the positioning and the potential for current and future fresh and processed products from Tanzania.
  • Conduct a comparative analysis between the different products/by products. For instance, fresh mangoes Vs mango juice, fresh herbs Vs dried/powdered herbs.

iii) Identify main importers in the target markets
Elaborate a list of the main importers of the products in reference in the target markets, with their detailed information including their products and geographical coverage and contacts.  

3 Required documents for submission upon the bidding procedure

  • A technical proposal detailing how the consultant understood the assignment and methodologies and approach for the study
  • A financial proposal with a breakdown of costs and fees for the assignment
  • A detailed work plan in a Gantt chart which specifies timeline and critical milestones of your activities

4. Timeline and efforts of the assignment
This assignment is expected to done in a span of 6 weeks starting from date of signing the award contract.

5. Qualifications, skills and experience

  • Advanced degree on business trade or related field.
  • Sound knowledge of international fresh and processed fruits, spices and herbs markets.
  • Experience in market analyses of the processed fruits and herbs sector.
  • Excellent written and verbal communications skills.
  • Strong research and analytical skills.
  • Work independently with accuracy and flexibility as well as under pressure and respect tight deadlines.


  • At least 10 years of experience in market analysis.
  • Experience of agribusiness
  • Knowledge of the international markets for horticulture products.
  • Track record of writing reports.
  • Excellent communication skills

Excellent written English is required 

Section B: Bidder Instructions
2.1.1 Documents to be submitted
The following documents shall be submitted;
1. Technical proposal including a detailed breakdown on how your the proposal meets TAHArequirements, methodology on how you will approach the work, a proposed work plan, team structure of the team to execute the project, CVs for each team member and experience in international market access assignment in similar organizations including reference letters from clients.
2. Financial proposal basing on the above TORs with costs breakdown and not a lumpsum amount.
3. The following mandatory commercial documents;
Company legal documents
Current Physical Location that is valid and right of occupancy of office premises
4. Optional document
Audited financial statements at least for one year 

2.2.2 Submission procedure
Bidders should submit a protected soft copy of both Technical and Financial proposal and ensure the last page is printed, signed and scanned, by 12:00 PM (EAT) on 24/8/2020 referring the RFP number on the cover page, with the subject line “a study to assess international market opportunities for selected fresh and processed fruits, vegetables, spices, and herbs” to the address below.

Email: procurement@taha.or.tz
Chief Executive Officer,
Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA),
Kanisa Road, House No. 49,
P.O Box 16520,

Proposals received after this time will not be accepted for consideration. By submitting a proposal, each bidder represents that:
· The proposal is based upon an understanding of the specifications and requirements described in this RFP.
· The costs for developing and delivering responses to this RFP and any subsequent presentations of the proposal as requested by TAHA are entirely the responsibility of the bidder. TAHA is not liable for any expense incurred by the bidder in the preparation and presentation of their proposal.
· All materials submitted in response to this RFP become the property of TAHA and are to be appended to any formal documentation, which would further define or expand any contractual relationship between TAHA and the bidder resulting from this RFP process.
· The information regarding TAHA included in the RFP is confidential and the bidder may not divulge or disclose to any third party in any form or manner whatsoever, either directly or indirectly, any Confidential Information without the prior written consent of the TAHA

2.2.3 Late Submissions
Regardless of cause, late submissions will not be accepted and will automatically be disqualified from further consideration. It shall be the bidder’s sole risk to assure submission by the designated time.

2.2.4 Withdrawing Proposals
Proposals may not be withdrawn for a period of 60 days after the proposal due date. Proposals may be withdrawn prior to the proposal due date, provided that such requests are in writing.

2.2.5 Rights Reserved
While TAHA has every intention to award a contract as a result of this RFP, issuance of this RFP in no way constitutes a commitment by TAHA to award a contract. Upon a determination such actions would be in its best interests, TAHA in its sole discretion reserves the right to:
· cancel or terminate this RFP;
· reject any or all proposals received in response to this RFP;
· waive any undesirable, inconsequential, or inconsistent provisions of this document, which would not have significant impact on any proposals;

2.2.6 Bidder Questions
This RFP contains the instructions governing the proposals to be submitted and a description of the mandatory requirements upon request. To be eligible for consideration, a bidder must meet the intent of all mandatory requirements. Compliance with all requirements will be determined by TAHA’s procurement committee. Responses that do not meet the full intent of all requirements listed in this RFP may be subject to point reductions during the evaluation process or may be deemed non-responsive.

Bidders requiring clarification or interpretation of any section or sections contained in this RFP shall send an email request to TAHA by the deadline of 12:00 PM (EAT) on 24th August 2020. All email correspondence must be addressed to: Procurement procurement@taha.or.tz copying david.felix@taha.co.tz each bidder submitting a clarification request must clearly address each question by reference to a specific section, page, and item of this RFP.

Any interpretation, correction, or change to this RFP will be made by written addendum by the Chief Executive Officer. Interpretations, corrections, or changes to this RFP made in any other manner will not be binding and bidders should not rely upon such interpretations, corrections, or changes.

2.2.7 RFP Response Format
In order to facilitate the analysis of responses to this RFP, bidders are required to prepare their proposals in accordance with the instructions outlined in this section. Bidders whose proposals deviate from these instructions may be considered non-responsive and may be disqualified at the discretion of TAHA.

Proposals should be prepared as simply as possible and provide a straightforward, concise description of the bidder’s capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the RFP. Emphasis should be on accuracy, completeness, and clarity of content. All parts, pages, figures, and tables should be numbered and clearly labeled.
The technical proposal should include but not limited to:
· Cover Page
· Letter of transmittal signed by a legally authorized representative
· Executive summary
· Implementation approach
· Relevant methodology
· Proposed work plan
· Relevant experience in similar engagements including a minimum of 3 references within the last 5 years including: client name and address, contact name, contact phone number and engagement start and end dates

The financial proposal should include but not limited to:
· Cover page
· Letter of transmittal signed by a legally authorized representative
.Cost summary (detailed total cost of the proposed solution complete with allocation of cost to every activity involved)

2.2.8Evaluation Procedure
All responsive proposals will be evaluated based on stated evaluation criteria. TAHA evaluation committee will separate proposals into “responsive” and “non-responsive” proposals. To be considered responsive, the bidder must meet the requirements outlined in Section 2.2.1 and Section 2.2.2 in the instructions to bidder. Non-responsive proposals will be eliminated from further consideration. The procurement committee will then evaluate the remaining proposals and rank them to establish the highest score. Discussions and negotiations may take place with the short list of bidders to obtain a best and final offer. The award will be based upon the proposal that is determined to be in the most competitive.

Evaluation Criteria
Technical Evaluation
The intention of TAHA is to obtain an assessment of international market opportunities for selected fresh and processed fruits, vegetables, spices and herbsa comprehensive guiding framework to enhance market access for horticultural products from Tanzania. The technical proposal will be given a technical score. The proposal shall be rejected at this stage if it does not achieve the minimum technical score stipulated. Responses to this RFP will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
· Technical Proposal = 60%
· Financial Proposal = 40%
Points may be subtracted for non-compliance with specified format requests. TAHA may also choose to not evaluate, may deem non-responsive, and/or may disqualify from further consideration any proposals that do not follow this RFP format, are difficult to understand, are difficult to read, or are missing any requested information.

A bidder responding to a question with a response similar to, “Refer to our literature…” or “Please see www…….com” may be deemed non-responsive or receive point deductions.
All materials related to a response must be submitted to TAHA and not just referenced. Any references in an answer to another location in the RFP materials shall have specific page numbers and sections stated in the reference. Each element will be scored independently of one another and the scoring will be based solely on the information provided in the response to the specific element.

Award of Contract
Once the proposals are opened, a committee selected by TAHA will evaluate each proposal, taking into consideration the criteria and methodology stipulated in this RFP. TAHA will be the sole judge in evaluation considerations and may make an award to the bidders(s) who submits the proposal judged by TAHA to be in its best interest. A recommendation as to which system best meets the interests of TAHA (as determined by the evaluation committee) will be presented to TAHA management. The award will only be to responsible bidder(s) qualified by experience to perform the services specified herein. All proposals submitted shall be valid for a period of sixty (60) calendar days from the date of the proposal opening.

Any effort by bidders to influence TAHA in the examination, evaluation, and recommendation for award of contract may result in the rejection of the bidders’ proposal. 

2.9 Other Requirements
i. In the event that multiple firms partner to submit a joint proposal, the proposal must identify one firm as the primary contact. This primary contact will be the primary point of contact throughout the procurement process and will be held responsible for the overall implementation of all partners included in the joint proposal.
ii. All third-party solutions proposed as part of a joint proposal are subject to the same requirements of this RFP, unless otherwise stated.
iii. Implementation pricing must be submitted on a “milestone” basis. Bidders are to provide all work effort and assumptions used to calculate a fixed fee for each milestone. The scope of the project will be defined by the scope of work and detailed functional requirements included in this RFP
iv. All firms submitting proposals are encouraged to submit the most competitive proposal possible as the failure to do so may lead to elimination prior to software demonstrations.
v. This RFP, its general provisions, and the terms and conditions shall be incorporated in any agreement resulting from this solicitation, and the RFP and its terms and conditions, plus attachments shall control unless the Agreement expressly provides otherwise.
All proposals shall be valid for a minimum of 60 days.

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