SNV Tanzania
Development of FFS training manuals for potatoes and sorghum and conduct ToT and M/ToT
Job Summary
The CRAFT Tanzania programme has identified four (4) commodity value chains (VCs) (sunflower, common beans, potatoes and Sorghum) that met the criteria of selection in terms of climate/environmental impacts, inclusiveness, economic benefits (e.g. scaling, profitability) and enabling environment. In this consultancy, only potatoes and sorghum commodity value chains are targeted.
Job Description
Terms of reference title: Potato and sorghum technical training using a CS FFS approach
Sectors: Agriculture
Project: Climate Resilient Agribusiness For Tomorrow East Africa (CRAFT-EA)
Geographical focus: Central, Northern, Lake and Southern Highland regions
Number of Days: Maximum 110 consultancy days
Proposed start date: 1 May 2020
Proposed end date: 31 August 2020
Open to: Firm/Organization
1.0 Background
SNV is a not-for-profit international development organization, working in Agriculture, Energy, and Water, Sanitation & Hygiene. Founded in the Netherlands in 1965, we have built a long-term, local presence in more than 30 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our global team of local and international advisors works with local partners to equip communities, businesses and organizations with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic services – empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own development.
1.1. Project Overview
The Climate Resilient Agribusiness for Tomorrow (CRAFT) project is a 5-year project (June 2018-May 2023) being implemented in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda with the regional Management Unit sitting in Uganda. The CRAFT project uses an Inclusive Business Development approach to support international and national efforts on climate change and sustainable production in arable farming. The programme is working with and through the private sector and supports public sector partners in creating an institutional environment for wide-scale adoption of climate smart agriculture (CSA) practices.
The CRAFT project is driven by 3 pillars:
a) Adoption of CSA practices & technologies in arable crop production farming systems
b) Acceleration of investments and business growth in selected value chains
c) Improved enabling environment for scaling out CSA.
The interventions are centred on business cases which are derived from a thorough climate risk assessment and financial analysis within the following value chains; pulses, potatoes, oilseeds and grains. The programme is implemented by a consortium consisting of SNV as lead partner, Wageningen University & Environmental Research (WUR & WEnR), the CGIAR research programme on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), Agriterra and Rabo Partnerships. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGIS) funds the CRAFT project.
The CRAFT Tanzania programme has identified four (4) commodity value chains (VCs) (sunflower, common beans, potatoes and Sorghum) that met the criteria of selection in terms of climate/environmental impacts, inclusiveness, economic benefits (e.g. scaling, profitability) and enabling environment. In this consultancy, only potatoes and sorghum commodity value chains are targeted.
For more information on CRAFT, visit our website https://snv.org/project/climate-resilient-agribusiness- tomorrow-craft
2.0 The task
With regards to the two value chains above i.e. potatoes and sorghum, SNV plans to provide extension services to targeted smallholder farmers in 2020 and 2021, using the farmer field school (FFS) approach with a climate smart lens. Since the FFS, approach is unique and value chain specific, it is prudent that selected resource persons from the FFSs are trained as ‘Trainer of trainers’ (ToTs) to facilitating learning processes in the FFSs.
In a bid to develop local capacity needed to accelerate scale up of FFS methodology in the community, SNV/CRAFT shall also train selected individuals from the key agric-ecological zones as ‘Master trainer of trainers’ (M/ToTs) to facilitate subsequent ToT trainings for the targeted crops.
This consultancy consists of two (2) stages:
Stage 1: Development of technical manuals in sorghum and potato production and post-harvest handling
Stage 2: Training of selected participants in the developed manuals using a CS FFS approach CRAFT-TZ prefers to hire a team of consultants to facilitate the development of training manual/training guide both in English and Swahili. After approval of the training manuals, the awarded firm/organization will later facilitate six (6) ToT training sessions of about 30-40 participants each; and 1 session of 30 participants as M/ToTs (i.e. a total of 30 M/ToTs) in the 2 selected commodities. The firm is expected to conduct the ToT in Mbeya for potatoes and Dodoma/Singida for sorghum. A detailed training schedule will be agreed upon after signing of the contract, but it is anticipated that the FFS training activities will take place in July – August.
Note: CRAFT has developed a climate smart FFS manual which will be used to train the trainees in climate smartness and using a FFS training approach. Consultants need to include time (one week) in their proposal to be trained in the agri climate smart practices and adaption of the FFS manual to make it appropriate to potato and sorghum.
3.0 Methodology
The CRAFT team will lead the identification of the trainees, training venues and the other related logistics. The trainings shall be residential and conducted in locations that provide space to carry out practical sessions. A complete package of training manuals and guidelines shall be shared by the firm/organization for review by CRAFT team. The final English version will then be translated in Kiswahili by the firm to have manuals for both potatoes and sorghum. SNV estimates at least 6 ToT training sessions of about 30-40 individuals each will be conducted; and 1 training sessions of M/ToTs for 30-40 individuals.
Both the ToT and the M/ToT trainings are expected to be based on a standard package (content wise) and to be delivered within the recommended duration (each training will last 6 effective days (Monday – Saturday)). SNV prefers working with a firm/organization that demonstrates capacity to facilitate two parallel sessions a week to enable fast tracking the process in view of the second cropping season commencing in 2020.
4.0 Collaborations
The firm/organization shall work closely with Cooperatives and SMEs championing business cases under each commodity VC (client); SNV Netherlands Development Organization (Contracting authority); and CCAFS. Unless otherwise, CCAFS is expected to participate in the development of training manuals with a climatic change lens and to be present and co-facilitate at least one complete FFS training.
5.0 Scope of Work:
5.1 Develop technical training manuals for potato and sorghum
5.1.1. Develop separate technical production and post-harvest handling manuals in English and Kiswahili for potato and sorghum. The manuals will be used by extension workers and lead farmers and need to be aligned to the capabilities of the intended users.
5.2 Plan and facilitate ToT training sessions in potato and sorghum
5.1.2. Determine own logistical need (with support from SNV/SME) and review suitability of training locations (locations that provide most appropriate learning environment)
5.1.3. To facilitate six training sessions of 6 days each; to about 30-40 individuals each
5.1.4. Design and submit to SNV for printing, all training materials (illustrative) and handout that shall be used during the training sessions; and those that shall be handed out to the ToTs graduates
5.2. Plan and facilitate M/ToT sessions in potato and sorghum
5.2.1. Develop selection criteria that shall be used for selecting individuals to be trained as M/ToTs; and conduct a simple knowledge gap assessment to understand what the M/ToTs already know.
5.2.2. Determine the logistical need (together with SNV/SME) and schedule the training session in an appropriate location
5.2.3. Work with CCAFS experts to facilitate training sessions of 6 days to 30 individuals as M/ToTs
5.2.4. Design and submit to SNV for printing, all training materials and handout that shall be used during the training sessions; and those that shall be handed out to the M/ToTs
6.0 Expected deliverables
6.1 Training manuals and guides (English and Kiswahili) including visual items used to facilitate the training sessions; and handouts to the trainees for future reference (soft and hard copy)
6.2 6 FFS-ToT targeting between 180 – 250 trainees and 1 M/ToT targeting around 30 – 40 trainees.
6.3 A training report, including, but not limited to how the training process went, what went really well/what needs improvement; attended list and recommendations for subsequent trainings (soft and hard copy)
6.4 List of trainees separated for ToTs and M/ToTs; Male/Female
7.0 Timeframe:
The firm/organization is expected to start the assignment on 1 May 2020 by development of training manuals. The technical manuals need to be ready by 30 June 2020. It is anticipated that the FFS training will commence from 1 July up to mid-August 2020. The final assignment report should be ready by 30th August 2020.
8.0 Reporting and supervision
The firm/organization shall be supervised by, and will report to the SNV-Senior Agronomist, or any designate.
There shall be two kinds of reports; a session report for each session concluded; and end of assignment report seven working days after the last training session.
9.0 Skills & competences required
9.1 A strong track record in providing training of trainers services in Tanzania; excellent capacity to deliver content on FFS methodology and process
9.2 Excellent knowledge and skills on good agronomic practices in sorghum and potatoes
9.3 Very good understanding of climate smart practices and technologies related sorghum and potato
9.4 Strong experience in extension service provision
9.5 Strong experience in capacity building and facilitation of processes at community level
9.6 Capacity to facilitate parallel (two) training sessions per week
9.7 At least 10 years’ experience in conducting ToT and FFS implementation in field crops
9.8 Excellent communication (written and oral both English and Swahili), reporting and presentation skills;
9.9 Experience in value chain development, climate smart agriculture, and agribusiness finance;
10.0 Payment
A down payment of 20% (of the total contract sum) shall be made upon signing the contract, 30% of the total
contract amount shall be paid after the technical manuals have been approved by CRAFT, the remaining 50%
will be paid after submission of, and subsequent approval of the final training report by the supervisor.
11.0. Evaluation Criteria: Click link below to view this criteria.
12.0. Submission of the Expression of Interest EOI
Interested organizations or firms are requested to submit:
A)Technical proposal with the following details:
- Understanding of the assignment and its tasks;
- Methodology and approach to be used;
- Operational plan with clear timeline;
- Outline of the team that will implement the work, with CVs for key personnel and clearly specified roles for each team member.
Consultancy fees submitted must be inclusive of all taxes- VAT inclusive (please note that under Tanzanian law, a Withholding Tax (WHT) of 5% for national and 15% international is deducted at source and paid directly to TRA. Include a detailed breakdown of days and fees per consultant assigned to this consultancy.
Note: Operational costs related to this assignment (accommodation and per diem, printing of training
materials, workshop materials) shall be paid for directly by SNV.
C) A sample of previous work experience in developing training manuals and delivering ToT, preferably in the targeted crops (potatoes and sorghum); completed within the last 12 months along with c ontact details of the responsible person from the organization in which the similar assignment was done.
D) Past Performance – three references
Applicants must prove that they have enough experience in assignments comparable with the work they are bidding for in terms of scope and complexity. Applicants must prove this experience using only and exactly three references for work they have done in the last 2 years.
Applicants must provide written proof for each of the references giving at least the following data:
Name of the contracting company/donor, name of the person who managed the contract for the company/donor and email and telephone numbers for the contact who managed the contract;
Title of the project or contract or grant and / or the contract/grant number;
Time and place of execution for the work done;
Clear description of the services provided by the applicant (no more than one page);
E) Mandatory requirement – Copies of:
Tax Registration certificate;
Recent Tax Clearance;
Business License;
Company registration.
Failure to provide any of the documents above will result in immediate elimination of the bidding process.
Please submit the EOI by email to Tanzaniaprocurement@snv.org by 24th March 2020.
SNV will communicate only to the successful selected candidate.