Criteria for FORM FIVE SELECTION Tanzania Special and Normal Schools
The role of the Ministry is to coordinate and supervise regional development management and administration.
Thus, the ministry coordinates rural and urban development management policy and strategies; coordinates Regional Secretariats activities and builds their capacity in institutional development strategies for integrated socioeconomic development and financial development of Local Government Authorities.
The Ministry also coordinates and supervises development planning and sectoral interventions on donor supported programmes at district and other locals levels, issues ministerial guidelines to Regional Secretariats and Local Government Authorities; and strengthen the channel of communication and information flow between the national and sub-national levels.
If you do not know the criteria for the selection of Form Five here are some of Criteria used to select form five join different Goverment Tanzania Advanced Schools:-

- Student should have passed NECTA form Four Examination from Grade I to III
- Have at least one balanced combination such as HGL, PCB, EGM, CBG, HKL,PCM and other more
- Student should she/he choose to continue studying in a specialized form that is usually completed before exams or in accordance with the school system but now you can change you choice in Selform System TAMISEMI after Results to be out
Hereunder are the Cutt-off points used to select form five of last year 2019/2020, so you can check them because will not completely changes through they can make some changes.
For more details Download attached PDF FILE at the end of this advert which describe Criteria for Form Five Selection Special And Normal Schools.
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