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Monday, 2 November 2020

New job vacancy - External Evaluation Consultancy at African Initiatives Arusha, Tanzania


Job description

Project Title: Gender Equality and Land Rights for Pastoralist Communities in Northern Tanzania (Longido, Simanjiro and Ngorongoro Districts)

Project Summary:  This is a £250,000 project funded by the Department for International Development (DFID) UK Aid Direct (UKAD) running from April 2018 – December 2020. The project is designed to improve community resilience for pastoralists through gender equality and land rights. To facilitate more sustainable, secure and diverse livelihoods, the project was designed to secure land for pastoralist communities through Land Use Planning (LUP) and associated Customary Certificates for Right of Occupancy (CCRO). A CCRO is an innovative form of land tenure that allows communal land ownership to be legally recognised. Pastoralists have always valued communal sharing of resources; a sense of communal ownership builds social cohesion among community members and also gives pastoralists security over their land. The project has also worked to raise awareness of the recently adopted Maa constitution that recognises a woman’s right to own land and livestock, and to participate in decision-making. Working with Women’s Rights Leadership Forums (WRLFs), the project has worked to provide access to Village Community Bank (VICOBA) schemes, enabling women to improve their access to credit, their access to the means of production and, hence, the means of income generation. By empowering women to contribute economically to the household, their status is improved at both family and community level, and their self-esteem is enhanced.

Project Outcomes: The project has two main outcomes (1) 21,240 pastoralists benefit from an inclusive, informative and participatory land use planning and CCRO process (Longido District (2) Increased access to livelihoods opportunities for women in 8 villages (Simanjiro and Ngorongoro Districts) through VICOBA group membership and training.

Purpose of the Evaluation: (1) Assess if the project has achieved its objective (2) Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the project (3) Provide specific recommendations to UCRT (the implementing partner) in the design and implementation of similar projects in the future

Expected consultancy contract duration: December 2020 – January 2021. Final report must be submitted by Friday 22nd January at the latest. There is no flexibility on this deadline.

For more information and to apply click here👈.

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