Friday, 26 November 2021

New "Tanzania Research Associates" Job Opportunity at RTI International Dodoma, Tanzania.


Tanzania Research Associate

Consultancy (~144 days from 1 December 2021 to 31 December 2022)


The RTI International Center for Global Noncommunicable Diseases is the research partner for the World Diabetes Foundation’s Diabetes Compass. The new initiative aims to develop a digital tool to support practitioners in low- and middle- income countries to improve the care of people with diabetes. The first phase is the creation and testing of this tool will start in November 2021 and will be completed by December 2022. It is anticipated that a following phase of evaluation will occur in 2023 through to end of 2024 with further consultancy support required from the postholder. RTI will be working in Sri Lanka, Tanzania, and Mexico to undertake formative research to inform and guide the tool development process, and to design and undertake an evaluation of pilots of the tool application. Consultants in each country will support us in liaising with stakeholders and coordinating, setting up, and conducting the research.

Scope of Work

  • Support the planning of, and conduct the country research activities to a high quality standard
  • Liaise with stakeholders to ensure the successful participation and conduct of research
  • Liaise with any sub-contractors in undertaking the research activities to a high quality standard
  • Facilitate collection of data through in-country research activities, in collaboration with one another and the Team Lead (TL)
  • Prepare analysis from the research, in the formats required
  • Regularly discuss project activities with the Team Lead
  • Contribute to reports and other written outputs produced by the Team Lead as required

Deliverables by project phase


  • Contribute to TL’s monthly summary reports to RTI team in format to be determined together
  • Participate in regular check-in meetings with RTI team and country liaison staff

Rapid Insights Generation

  • Prepare list of 6 stakeholders available for key informant interviews, including names, brief biographies
  • Conduct 6 key informant interviews and provide written transcript in English for analysis
  • Review transcripts to produce brief report on emerging themes and contribute to further analysis with RTI
  • Support TL’s preparation of documents for IRB submission

Formative Research

  • Support TL to coordinate patient (2) and provider pathway (2) workshops, including identifying participants, coordinating logistics, and recording data

N.B. The format and content of these workshops will be developed by RTI, and an RTI staff member will be present to co-facilitate with the TL.

  • Identify a list of frontline health providers in participating health facilities who can participate in a one-day observation, including their names, facility, job role, and other characteristics to be specified.
  • Coordinate logistics and conduct 2-3 provider observations in partnership with the Research Associate, including securing consent from the participant and any needed facility supervisors and completing data collection to be shared with RTI.

N.B. The observation methods and data collection framework will be developed by RTI. Data collection will be divided between the TL and RA based in a manner to be agreed.

  • Coordinate logistics for 2 behavioral insights workshops, including identifying participants, managing scheduling, and preparing needed materials.

N.B. The workshop agenda and scenarios will be developed by RTI with input from country staff.

  • Conduct preliminary analysis of provider observation and behavioral insights workshop findings, to be shared in a brief report with RTI.
  • Coordinate data collection for the user and environmental characteristics survey, including reviewing the survey questionnaire and supervising sampling and data collection.

N.B. The survey and methods will be developed by RTI with input from country staff.

  • Provide input on data sources for environmental scan on digital landscape assessment.
  • Identify a list of 4-6 individuals who can participate in interviews on the current digital health landscape.
  • Conduct 4-6 key informant interviews and provide written transcript in English for analysis.

N.B. The interview guide will be provided by RTI.

  • Provide input on updated SWOT analysis to be prepared by RTI.

Research for solution design and testing

  • Coordinate logistics and qualitative data collection for user testing of Diabetes Compass, to include approximately 12 focus group discussions and 8-12 individual interviews.

N.B. The focus group discussion and interview guides will be provided by RTI and Manyone.

Development of evaluation framework

  • Review and input into theory of change and evaluation framework for Diabetes Compass implementation.

Person Specification

Research Associates (2) will have experience conducting health-related research and a good understanding of both quantitative and qualitative methods. Associates will be local nationals who are familiar with the issues related to noncommunicable diseases and health system development. Research Associates will provide operational support to the Team Lead consultant in planning and conducting research and liaising with stakeholders.