Thursday, 20 August 2020

New Job Vacancy DSM at Embassy of Sweden - Administrative Assistant | Deadline: 31st August, 2020


Embassy of Sweden

Administrative Assistant 
Location: Dar es salaam
The contest rules and application forms can be consulted at the Chancellor, 99B Kinondoni Road. Dar es Salaam or on our website:
Vacancy of one post of Administrative Assistant for the Embassy of Spain, 99B Kinondoni Road. Dar es Salaam. Applicants may consult the conditions of the post and collect application forms at 99B Kinondoni Road or in our web page.

The submission of applications will be made within 15 business days following the date of publication in the manner established in the current legislation, the last day of the term being 08/31/2020 and should be addressed to the following address:
Embassy of Spain
99B Kinondoni Road
P.O. Box 842
Dar es Salaam Tanzania
Applications may be submitted electronically through the General Electronic Registry of the General State Administration: 

Applications submitted by post must be registered at the post office in due time and with the corresponding entry stamp on the application form (Annex III). The ordinary postmark, nor the postal payment ticket will not be accepted as proof of the presentation on time.

In the event that the request is submitted by mail or in any public registry other than this, it is recommended that it be submitted by email sent to the address:, including scanning Annex III with the corresponding seal of entry and the Identity Document or Passport.
Applications, along with C.V. must be submitted before August 31, 2020.

Las bases del concurso y los formularios de solicitud pueden consultarse en la Cancillerfa, 99B Kinondoni Road. Dar es Salaam o en nuestra pcigina web:
Las solicitudes, junto con C.V., deben presentarse antes del 31 de agosto de 2020.

Vacancy of one post of Administrative Assistant for the Embassy of Spain, 99B Kinondoni Road. Dar es Salaam. Applicants may consult the conditions of the post and collect application forms at 99B Kinondoni Road or in our web page.

La presentacion de solicitudes se realizara en los 15 dias habiles siguientes a la fecha de publicacion en la forma establecida en la Jegislacion vigente, siendo el ultimo dia de plazo el 31-08-2020 y se deberan dirigir a la siguiente direccion:
Embajada de Espana
99B Kinondoni Road
P.O. Box 842
Dar es Salaam Tanzania

Las solicitudes podran presentarse telematicamente a traves del Registro Electronico General de la Administracion General del Estado:
Las solicitudes presentadas por correo postal deberan ser registradas en la oficina de correos en plazo y con el correspondiente sello de entrada en el impreso de solicitud (Anexo III). No se aceptara el matasellos ordinario, ni el ticket de pago de correos como comprobante de la presentacion en plazo.

En caso de que la solicitud se presente por correo o en algun registro publico distinto de este se recomienda que se adelante la misma por correo electronico enviado a la direccion:, incluyendo escaneado el Anexo III con el correspondiente sello de entrada y el Documento de Identidad o Pasaporte.