Saturday, 18 July 2020

Teaching Colleges Joining Instructions 2020/21 | PDF Files


Teaching Colleges Joining Instructions 2020/21
Education before Independence
Traditional Education: The history of education on the Tanzanian mainland is divided into two parts that are before and after independence. Before the coming of the foreigners to the Tanganyika shores, each tribe had its own system of indigenous knowledge. Traditional education was a result of daily livelihood activities of various ethnic communities. It included knowledge, skills, values, culture, techniques and social protection procedures against plagues such as hunger,disease and hostile social security.This knowledge was transmitted and inherited from one generation to another. Lessons were peer-based and delivered by adults at home, at work and in other available spheres. With the commencement of colonial rule, this education system began to change in its goals and delivery.

Education during the Colonial Period: The first foreign visitors to the mainland were the Arabs who subsequently followed by the Portuguese, Germans and British. They took turns in ruling either parts of the country or the whole country. With each regime, the education system changed according to their interests regardless of what was beneficial to the Tanzanian mainland. The schools differed in terms of their goals, curriculum, qualifications and teaching professionals, language of instruction and the quality of school infrastructure and teachers' houses.

The coming of the Arab rule initiated Quranic studies. This education emphasized the propagation of Islam and the Arab culture. The German and British administration was preceded by the arrival of the missionaries. When they arrived, the missionaries offered classes based on their faith and the history of their countries. Education delivered by these missionaries asserted the propagation of Christianity. The German administration emphasized education in skills, knowledge, occupational training and good citizenship with allegiance to the German Government. The British education system in Tanzania Mainland was racist and it provided opportunities and better educational materials for European and Asian children than their African counterparts. The main goal of education was to get the African workers who would serve in protecting the interests of the colonial rule, consequently making the African elite dependent.

The Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Vocational Training is a ministry of the Tanzanian government responsible for the provision of education, vocational training and policy on science and technology.
The Ministry was formed by President John Magufuli and was created as an amalgamation of responsibilities from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and the Ministry of Communication, Science and Technology. The communications role was merged into the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications.

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Teaching Colleges Joining Instructions 2020/21
    1. BUNDA TCHOT Download
    2. BUSTANI TCHOT Download
    3. BUTIMBA TCHOT Download
    4. DAKAWA TCHOT Download
    5. ILONGA TCHOT Download
    6. KABANGA TCHOT Download
    7. KASULU TCHOT Download
    8. KATOKE TCHOT Download
    9. KINAMPANDA TCHOT Download
    10. KITANGALI TCHOT Download
    11. KLERUU TCHOT Download
    12. KOROGWE TCHOT Download
    13. MAMIRE TCHOT Download
    14. MANDAKA TCHOT Download
    15. MARANGU TCHOT Download
    16. MONDULI TCHOT Download
    17. MHONDA TCHOT Download
    18. MOROGORO TC Download
    19. MPUGUSO TCHOT Download
    20. MPWAPWA TCHOT Download
    21. MTWARA (K) TCHOT Download
    22. MTWARA (U) TCHOT Download
    23. MURUTUNGURU TCHOT Download
    24. NACHINGWEA TCHOT Download
    25. NDALA TCHOT Download
    26. PATANDI TCHOT Download
    27. SHINYANGA TCHOT Download
    28. SINGACHINI TCHOT Download
    29. SONGEA TCHOT Download
    30. SUMBAWANGA TCHOT Download
    31. TABORA TCHOT Download
    32. TANDALA TCHOT Download
    33. TARIME TCHOT Download
    34. TUKUYU TCHOT Download
    35. VIKINDU TCHOT Download\