Thursday, 6 June 2019

Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy (MNMA): University Application 2019/20 | UDAHILI 2019/20 Academic Year

The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy is initially a product of Kivukoni College. In February, 1958 the National Conference of TANU which was held in Tabora passed a Resolution to establish a college for adults in the lines of Ruskin College in Oxford.

The College was to be a tool for spreading understanding of social, political and economic problems facing underdeveloped countries such as Tanganyika among people who were likely to become leaders in newly independent country but who did not have qualifications necessary to enter educational institutions. 

Adult College was formally established on 29th July, 1961 as a private company under Companies Ordinance (Cap 212).

 Students Registrations Instructions & Signup Instructions
Step: 1 Create Account
Use your institute registration Number to sign up
For new Students (Click here the Link that says "Get Your Reg Number" Above) and use that registration number to sign up

Password Instructions
You are required to use Strong Passwords. Password must contain atleast one Uppercase letter,atleast one lowercase letter, atleast one Numeric Digit and atleast one Special Symbol like ($,%,*,-,+,=,! ..).
e.g joHn**2014 is a strong password combination and is accepted by system.

e.g henry--KHZ19 is also a strong password combination.

e.g nashon is a weak password. the system will deny sign up with this password

Step: 2 Personal Background Information
Step: 3 Login

Step: 4 Registration Instructions & T/Fee Payments -:
NB: Help and Support Instructions