Thursday, 7 March 2019

Field Associate (Field Officers) Jobs at Farm Africa

 Deadline: 14th March, 2019

Farm Africa is currently recruiting three staff to add effort in the implementations of our two programs, Flourishing Futures programme which focus on sunflower value chain in Manyara region funded by the Agricultural Markets Development Trust (AMDT) and other project is Delivering Expertise, Capacity and Investment to Developing Enterprise (DECIDE) project which focus on addressing the key bottlenecks and barriers to growth among small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) within horticultural value chains funded by NORAD. 

3 Field Associate (Field Officers)
Three (3) Field Associate (Field Officer), (1- Kondoa, 1- Mpwapwa/ Kongwa and 1- Bahi/ Chamwino)
Duration: All positions are full time, fixed term contract ending in 14th September 2019.
Salary: Attractive salaries & benefit packages
Farm Africa is currently recruiting three staff to implement our expected project, “sorghum Value Chain” in Dodoma region. Field associates (Field Officers) will take lead in facilitating, training and linking sorghum farmers to the market. This role will involve supporting smallholder farmers under Sorghum Pilot project in Dodoma to access quality seeds, support farmers on climate smart agriculture approaches and methods, provide training on Postharvest Handling and Storage (PHHS) and Good Agronomic Practices (GAP), and crop aggregation for commercial buyers.
Learn2serve- online Food and Alcohol Safety course