Monday 30 July 2018

Marketing & Sales Officer Job Opportunity at Kilimanjaro Dairy Cooperative Posted Jul 29 Kilimanjaro Dairy Cooperative

Deadline: 15th August 2018

Location: Other Arusha District Arusha
*Based in Boma Ng’ombe – Hai District Headquarters,**Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania
The Kilimanjaro Dairy Cooperative Joint Enterprise is a new cooperative initiative that was registered in July 2017 by a number of Dairy Cooperatives in Hai District. The Joint Enterprise intends to bring together all Dairy Cooperatives in Kilimanjaro region to work on common interest of developing their dairy industry.

Project Summary
The Joint Enterprise initiative is being promoted under the auspices of the Income and Employment for Women and Youth (IEWY) project which is being implemented in the Dairy Sector in North-east Tanzania through a partnership between SNV Tanzania, Match Maker Associates Limited (MMA), Nronga Women Dairy Cooperative Society (NWDCS) and Capacity Building for Organisations (CABO) and funded by Comic Relief. The Government Local Authorities and the Cooperatives Registrar is also supporting the project.

JE main objective of this project is to develop the capacities of the Women-led dairy enterprises in Hai and Siha Districts and later in other districts in Kilimanjaro region, so that they increase their incomes and well-being of the local communities. The Project is supporting the start-up of the Kilimanjaro Dairy Cooperative Joint Enterprise Ltd, and among others will support acquisition of technical support staff during the interim period of at least 2 years before it becomes self-sustaining with its own staff