Saturday, 30 June 2018

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Technical Coordinator – Marine and Coastal Resilience Programme

Vacancy #:  2812
Unit:  Eastern and Southern Africa Region
Organization:  International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Location:  Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office, Nairobi, Kenya
Reporting to:  Regional Programme Coordinator
Work percentage:  100%
Grade:  SP
Expected start date:  01 September 2018
Type of contract:  Fixed-term (36 months with possibility of renewal)
Closing date:  05 July 2018

The Technical Coordinator is directly responsible for leading the strategic direction of the ESARO Marine and Coastal Resilience Thematic Programme, in line with the ESARO Intersessional Programme and Programme Strategy (which is ESARO’s contribution to the IUCN Global Marine and Polar Programme) – positioning IUCN as a lead technical body in the region. He/she will be responsible for: i) Guiding the strategic direction and development of the thematic area, including development and marketing of project proposals with donors; ii) Ensuring that programmatic activities within the thematic area are effectively and efficiently implemented; iii) Promoting learning, knowledge generation and innovation within both the thematic area and in relation to the ESARO and GMPP Intersessional Programme and Strategy; and iv) Ensuring that progress and performance of the regional Marine and Coastal Resilience Programme is regularly monitored and evaluated. More specifically, this involves: