Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Call For Work KUITWA KAZINI TARURA – Singida Region | Check Selected Names Here


Reporting Date: 2nd July, 2018 

The Regional Coordinator for TARURA Singida on behalf on the Chief Executive Officer for TARURA would like to inform are candidates who appeared for an interview in s of Personal Secretary III and Driver II in respect of our advert with Ref. No. TRR/SGD/IA/127/170/108 dated 5th March, 2018 which was advertised in the TARURA’S website (www.tarura.go.tz ) Singida Councils and Regional Coordinator’s Offices as well as Regional Commissioner’s Office that they have been selected for JOB ONCONTRACT TERMS.
Therefore, they are required to report to the Regional Coordinator for TARURA – Singida Region on 2nd July, 2018 at 9:00 am.